
Wednesday, 27 October 2010

A problem shared is a problem halved

I have been sitting here all day long trying to think what pearls of wisdom to share with you all today and again and again I get distracted and turn to other things on my mind. The truth is, I am really struggling this year. Everyone gets warned that the third year is hard for a variety of reasons and the ones that are getting to me most are the amount of independent work that you have to do and the fact that my graduate looms in front of me and I still have no clue what it is that I want to achieve in my life and where I am going to go from here.

I know that many of my friends and colleagues are experiencing the same kind of feelings and I know that I am letting things in my personal life affect me even more, money problems, relationships, friendships, it all accumulates together to make things harder.

On the plus side, there are so many people around me that I know I can turn to and everybody no matter who they are and walk of life they are from will always have someone. It’s just a case of realising who they are. Never under-estimate the power of venting a problem, the old phrase ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’ is definitely a motto I believe in.

It’s not just friends and family, look around you at colleagues and service on offer in your school/college/university. There are your lecturers who, although are there for academic purpose, often care about your well-being. There are counsellors in the university support centres. There are student reps both the newly elected ones within the schools at Greenwich but also general university student reps that work in association with the student union.

Finally when it comes to my fears about graduating and the future, there are people to turn to and resources to use. I am going to take action myself tomorrow and attend the Autumn Graduate and National Internship Fair. It provides opportunities for 2nd and 3rd years to get internships and placements and gives support for those who are soon to or have recently graduated and are looking for employment. Check out: OR for more details about the events.

I will keep you posted about how I get on and will work on getting myself fully back on track to complete my final year and get the grades I so badly want and deserve.

Take Care

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Just a little bit … unmotivated!

Motivation … Oh where art thou hiding?

Ok … it’s been a month since my last blog and I am very sorry to those of you who actually take the time out to read my thoughts. I have been so stuck for what to write about and kept putting it off and putting it off. So I finally decided, the topic of my blog would be motivation.

Its quite ironic really as I’ve clearly shown a lack of it in recent weeks, but I think that it’s the time of year. September and October are two of the busiest months in any academic person’s life. It’s a new academic year, new classes, maybe new tutors, in my case, new people in class so new friends. Then there are all of the things that you got used to doing over the summer that you now don’t have any time to do. All of that combined with the fact that you need to start writing assignments and keeping up with reading schedules after 4 months of summer mean that things can be a bit hard going.

It’s out there somewhere …

So how do you find yourself some inspiration when it seems to be hiding somewhere far away?

One tactic of mine is to become a bit too much of an over-organised freak and print out all of the assignment information for the coming year. I then stick these on my wall with the deadline dates clearly highlighted so I cannot help but stare them in the face as I aimlessly play Farmville for hours pretending I have nothing more important to do in the world.

Another method of mine is to set myself little goals and rewards. So if I was to complete my blog tonight then I get to gorge out on the rest of my tub of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream sat in my freezer whilst watching an intensive amount of girly programs and films all night. OR if I am to complete a section of my dissertation research, then I can reward myself with a new pair of shoes.

How do you find yours? …

Everyone struggles to find motivation sometimes, especially at this time of year when there are so many other things going on (fresher’s parties, UCAS applications, Halloween, Christmas round the corner). The important thing is to find out just what keeps you focussed and make sure you reward yourself for doing well. After all, it can’t be all work and no play.

To make it up to everyone for being a bit absent recently, I am going to try and do some extra blogs, so keep your eyes peeled and prepare yourself, because once I get talking, its hard to stop me. Ciao for now x