
Friday, 26 November 2010

Higher Education – All the answers, one place.

If you are thinking about applying to university but aren’t quite sure where to start then higher education events are a great way to go. They happen all over the country throughout the year and are designed so that education institutions come to you, instead of you having to go to all of them.

Design your future

Yesterday as part of my role as an education liaison ambassador, I worked at the UCAS Design Your Future Event (DYF). It is a higher education event that is aimed specifically at those wanting a career in design and creative courses. Universities and institutions come from all over the country to form an exhibition that potential students can attend. This week’s DYF was based in the Excel centre in London and will be repeated in the coming week in Manchester (29th-30th November) – good news for those of you in the North.

The event covered subjects such as fashion, graphic design, landscape design, animation and creative teaching among others.

Other events

As well as DYF, UCAS run numerous events throughout the year. If you would like more information about where and when these events take place please visit:
Most of the events are free (not all of them) and in easy to get to locations.

Making the most of it

To make the most of any HE event, take a friend along with you and make the day a bit more fun, visit every stand to see what they have to offer ... plus they all gave out some fantastic freebies. Its always a good thing to start a game with your friends and see who can accumulate the most pens, pencils, badges or sweets.

Another thing that you shouldn’t forget while your there is that each and every one of the stalls there will have people – usually a mix of academics and students, so you can talk to them and get a true insight to the course or place and maybe even different perspectives if you talk to different people in different roles.

Also, all of these events usually run interactive sessions and workshops. You can find out more information on specific subjects or general information like how to apply or student finance. Keep a listen out for what is going on over the tannoy, ask someone and get a copy of the program.

Finally, make the most of us. If there are student ambassadors and/or events staff then ask them anything you need to know. How to get somewhere, where you can find a certain piece of information or what student life is like. I can guarantee that if they don’t know the answer themselves then they will do their hardest to find it out for you.

The people in red tops are University of Greenwich student staff, working for UCAS

Enjoy your week blog-land :) B

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

What the weekend brought

And so it continues …

OK so my run of bad luck decided to continue and Paris didn’t happen yet again :( boo!! But on the plus side, it was the passport agency’s fault not ours so we are being nicely compensated. For messing us around, they decided they would give us … our money back on the hotel plus pay for the cancellation fee, they will pay for another lot of first class tickets for the Eurostar and the hotel next time we go. Plus for a little bit of extra good will, they are giving us flights to any European city that we can use in the next 3 months. So I guess the sun does shine after the rain and I have two holidays to look forward to. It also shows one of life’s little lessons, you only get what you go after, if we had never raised the fact that my friend’s passport had not come through by the promised deadline then we would have just lost out with no compensation. You have to fight for what you believe in.

Plan B for the weekend …

So we didn’t want to waste a weekend that we had already booked off, so we decided to just do something in the UK instead. After a couple of hours of trawling the net for inspiration, we decided to just stay local and get a hotel on the other side of London and be tourists for the weekend. The plan was to do touristy things like go to The London Aquarium, do a river cruise, hit Oxford Street and have dinner in the West End…. But guess what ...? Luck decided it wasn’t my friend again and when I got to the hotel I didn’t have my debit card. We found a way around checking in though and spent the whole weekend making the most of the facilities there as we could charge them to the room

So my friends …

I apologise for my blog being a bit gloomy again this week, but at least I’ve gained some positives from it and my luck seems to be improving a bit. There’s lots going on over the next week or two so I will be happy and chatty again by next week hopefully.

Ciao for now.


Friday, 5 November 2010

The world hates me

I said that I wouldn’t write a blog this week because I am moody, but then I was told that I should share my mood with the world. After all, we are all trying to give you a true picture of what student life is like which means sharing the bad right along with the good.

So, this week … the world hates me. One thing after another is going wrong and I am starting to think that I have done something seriously bad to upset Karma, although I haven’t a clue exactly what.

Don’t get me wrong, life in general is good and I think a lot of it is that I just need a good rant as I haven’t had one for a while. But amongst some of the things to happen to me this week, here are just a few:

1. My car was hit by someone in a public car park and the person drove off without leaving any details.

2. Opened the cupboard to get a drink and a glass fell out and smashed.

3. I fell out with a member of my family on my birthday and it upset me a lot.

4. Witnessed a criminal offence and being called to court as a witness.

5. Received a tax bill for £1500 as one of my two jobs as a student didn’t charge me tax as I earned so I owed that much over two years.

6. I am getting old.

7. My trip to Paris for my birthday was cancelled due to the political riots in the country.

8. I am so poor I had to get my Mum and Dad to pay for my bills because I couldn’t afford them.

Anyway, rant over and I hope you are all having a better week than me, will blog again soon when I have some happier news to share.