
Friday, 24 June 2011

Carpe Diem

I haven’t written a blog for a very long time, I am sorry but I have had lots and lots to do. I have just finished my final year and it has gone so quickly. So much so that this sadly, is my goodbye blog.

When you start university, people in the last year or those who have already graduated tell you about how quickly it will go and how you should enjoy it (a bit like when you are at school). No matter what, you never believe them and are always convinced that they are exaggerated or just ‘being old’.  But I have to say that it couldn’t be truer. It feels like just yesterday that I loaded my Dad’s car to the roof and moved into halls of residence to begin my own little adventure.

My final year has been a challenge but been exciting. I have had the chance to work for some real clients and network with others including national charities, members of parliament and senior staff at leading PR companies. I still do not have my official results but I know from my grades so far that I have a minimum grade of 2:1 or above, so I am very happy and look forward to seeing the proud faces on my parents at graduation next month.

I am leaving the university with a fantastic job offer. I am working in a top PR agency in central London on a three month paid internship. Hopefully I will impress them so much that they have no doubts that they want to keep me on forever! And if they don’t, I will have the necessary experience to get another job far easier afterwards.

I have loved my time at the University of Greenwich, not just my course but more so my job, my opportunities and my experiences. Three years ago I was really unsure whether or not I wanted to go to university and I have never felt happier about a decision in my life. I know that there are a lot of changes coming up to the higher education systems and it is very daunting for potential applicants, but please please consider how much you will get out of university. It will make your grow personally, professionally and academically and nothing in life can give you the same kind of results.

Take care everybody and I wish all the best luck in university and in life. Reach for the stars and grab every opportunity. I will leave you with some clever words from wise people:

1 comment:

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